One In A Million


GNR lies 05

Now here’s one I’ve not played in a long, long time Guns n’ Roses Lies! The Sex, The Drugs, The Violence, The Shocking Truth (or Lies as it will henceforth be known in order to save me from RSI).  It’s sunny and hot and the kids aren’t around to hear the swearing so on a whim I reached for this one.

I’ll tell the story properly another day but I resisted the charms of Appetite For Destruction for a good long while before realising it was simply one of the best hard rock LPs ever made, needless to say by the time that Lies was released I was totally in thrall to Guns n’ Roses along with most of the rest of the world – hell by that time, even friends’ kid brothers and sisters were wearing the T-shirts.  So like the rest of the world I wanted to see what…

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